Tuesday, October 13, 2009

16 days

just 16 days

It is not fair how fast the years go by

this was a good year, a really good year; so maybe that’s why it’s a little harder to let it go

maybe it because 5 is just too old, not a baby.
maybe it’s because 4 is awesome…
you are hilarious; you keep me and daddy laughing everyday with the crazy things you say.
you are loving; hugs, kisses, cuddles, squeezing in the middle, “family sandwich” (daddy promises to remind you of this at your sweet sixteen party), “I love you mommy” “I love you daddy”… all the time
you are sensitive, mommy and daddy have to watch how we word things and our tone with you, if we say something the wrong way, or just a little too harsh, it breaks your little heart.

you are thoughtful and kind, always willing to share anything you have, even if it’s the last one.

you are stubborn, so very stubborn. I hope you keep this. It has it good side and bad side, but it’s you, and we love it.

you are confident, you know you are a beautiful and talented little girl, another trait I hope you keep.

you have a love–fight relationship with your brothers, but mostly you love them and they love you too.

you love playing legos and paper dolls with mommy and daddy – you have so many rules, we have to do just as you do or just as you say. daddy is the blue doll, mommy is purple and you are pink - always. The dolls are triplets so they all have to dress the same, and you dictate what they wear. with legos, we have to build houses or beds for the paper dolls and again we have to follow your lead. It is so much fun playing with you.

you love to scrapbook with mommy, right now everything we make has to have a butterfly.

you don’t play with babies as much as you use to. right now it’s doesn’t seem you have a favorite thing to play, you are all over the place, one minute it’s legos, then paper dolls, then littlest pet shop, then painting, then computer or tv time… you don’t sit still or stay with one thing very long.

you still suck your thumb, not as often as before, mostly when you are tired or nervous, I haven’t really tried to break you of this habit, i’m hoping before kindergarten.

you still sleep with your bink, absolutely have to have it. I think you have only gone 2 nights in your almost 5 years with out it and they were both this year, and they were very hard nights.

you love fruit and veggies, healthy foods more then junk.

we went on your Make a Wish trip back in April and you are still talking about it, you had a blast (we all did). I was a great family trip. It was so fun watching you experience everything there

you can write most of your letters and some of you numbers, you can sound out/read short 3 letter words. mommy and daddy think you are just the smartest little girl

i know with each year we have something special to look forward to, I know that with 5 you will become more independent, that you have kindergarten to experience, that we will have more fun family trips, and maybe ballet lessons…

but I think I am going to hold on as tight I can to the next 16 days of 4.

i love you baby girl,

love, mom