Today was our first visit to the ER. We have been in our small town for just over 2 years so I guess it was time, right :)?
The Story:
We were picking up The Girlfriend this afternoon. Austin got out of the car to go get her and closed his finger in the door. He had to open the door to get his finger out. It was pretty weird to watch from inside the car. Anyway, he got his finger out, told me he was ok and went in to get The Girlfriend. They came out and we were driving back home and I asked him how his finger was. He obviously said that it hurt and that I needed to stop the car that he thought he was going to be sick. I really looked at his finger and it looked pretty bad, dented in and turning purple, not swollen. I decided it was a good idea to get it x-rayed. So off to the ER we went. A million dollar copay later - it's not broken, he got a band-aide and a ice pack and off we went.
Maybe I over reacted but I thought it looked bad and was pretty sure that it was broken. And nothing is open but the ER on Saturdays and Sundays here.
So that is the story of our first ER visit in our small town. Glad to say that it was a pretty boring visit.
5 days ago