The next morning (Sunday) we called and they still had not located out bags so we decided to spend the day at the Village. The kids had a blast. We walked around the village. It was so cute. The kids played in the arcade room, rode the carousel several times, rode the train, played on the CandyLand playground, and they had ice cream. Madison was able to place her star on the ceiling in the Castle of Miracles with the thousands of other Make a Wish visitors, all the kids made special pillows, and the kids got airbrushed tattoos. All the volunteers were so nice. We had our first “gift giving” knock on the door, everyday a volunteer would bring some kind of gift for all the kids. Our wish granters had warned us to bring an extra duffle bag for the stuff the kids would get, they were not kidding. That night the kids played in the “worlds largest” Candyland game the kids were the game pieces and would draw a card and run the game board, then Madison joined in the block party. She danced the night away. Austin and Zac played in the Candyland playground. Our luggage was located and delivered to the village during the day, and we had to get up early to meet Disney characters that were coming to the village so after ordering pizza for dinner, we all headed off to bed.
gift giving
our villa

the carousel and the Gingerbread Restaurant
the Gingerbread Restaurant

the kids

me and J

Madison writing her name on her star

Madison’s star

Zac making his pillow

Austin making his pillow

Madison and J making Madison’s pillow

Madison on the train

Madison and J playing pool

Zac getting his airbrushed tattoo
Austin getting his airbrushed tattoo

Madison getting her airbrushed tattoo

Zac’s tattoo

Austin’s tattoo

Madison’s tattoo

Austin on the carousel - always on the lion

Zac on the carousel

Madison on the carousel

the arcade

Madison and Austin on the train

Candyland game

Madison with the Frost Princess

Madison with Ms. Merry

Madison dancing at the Block Party

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