yesterday was Zachary's birhtday, 12 years old now. Happy Birhtday Zac. So for his birthday, J and I gave him and Austin cell phones. (Zac will get the same thing Austin gets for his birthday too, lucky boys get to celebrate twice). Both the boys are thrilled and, as most of you know, have been calling and texting everyone all night last night and all day today. They are 2 very happy boys.
Madison on the other hand is very upset. She wants a phone too. We've tried to explain that she is only 4 and that she will just have to wait. But like I said we've tried... it's not really working and she is still mad. She says she never gets anything... ever. To continue to prove her point, I took the boys to Target today to pick up a couple things for school. One of them, a lock for their PE lockers. And the mean mom that I am would not let Madison get one too. (in my defense, i think she would hurt herself with it and am just trying to protect her). So not only is she mad that she doesn't get a phone, but now she can't have a lock. She is so deprived. (not really, I told her she could pick out a toy. She didn't want one, she wanted a cell phone and a lock.)
So other then that, school starts a week from Monday. J starts his new job the same day. It will take some getting used to but it will be a good thing once we get our schedules down. I have started shopping for my Christmas book, that has been a lot of fun. I have a ton of ideas, and with J's new schedule I will have some free nights to start getting things together.
well that is all for now, I'm slacking on updating pictures. Actually I am slacking on taking pictures. It's too hot to go outside and I'm almost never happy with the ones taken inside. I will work on it.
6 days ago
Oooh I'm SOOO not looking forward to the cell phone days!!! And yes, Kason gets to go to yearly scans and 6 month clinic visits. YAY!!