Translation, for those that do not speak/read Madison – NO BrOtHErS ALLOWEd. And a picture of mean scary mom, because, she told me, sometime I am mean. She felt better. Better, until she saw the Boys retaliation sign…
NO 5 YEAR OLDS ALLOWED IN DIS (yes it said dis) ROOM. She was crushed. She told me her day was ruined and that she had the meanest brothers in the whole world. I gave her lots hugs and kisses and tried to explain that her brothers must have thought her sign was cool to make one for their door. She was still crushed.
Maybe 15 minutes later, she has me follow her to look at “something”. I followed her back to her brothers’ closed do to find that she had crossed off the 5 on the Boys sign and fixed it with a 12 (the age of both Boys). She was so please with herself. She opened the door to let the boys know that they were not allowed in their room anymore, and walked away satisfied.
I had to go to work, but I heard the war is continuing while I am away. I couldn’t wait to get home and see the newest creations. I had been texted that Madison’s includes that she is 5 years old and that she is a princess, both completely true. I don’t know if the Boys are still tormenting Madison playing along or not.
Edit: I came home to several new signs. My favorite: REMEMBER I AM ONLY 5 YRS OLD. I say that to her brothers all the time.
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