I want to post some pictures of Madison getting her pretty pink glittery cast, also a few from October 2006 when she got her first cast. Dr H did both. J and I asked if he though the 11 months of chemo may have affected her bones. 2 breaks in 2 years, both from simple falls, seems a bit too much. He said that it wasn’t out of the ordinary, that insurance would not see that as a reason to look into bone density. So we asked Dr E, her oncologist, and he said that there is nothing in her chemo research (all done on adults) that says it affects bone density and he just thinks it’s a fluke. FLUKE? So, J and I will be paying cash price, because with out a reason insurance will not cover the Dexascan. It should be sometime in August I think. I will update more as we get closer, her orthopedic said not to get the scan done until about 4 weeks after her cast comes off, that her bones would still be healing and would not give a correct reading.
Dr H putting on Madison 2nd pretty pink cast2nd broken bone April 23 2009
getting the cast this time was not as bad, but she still was a little worriedDaddy sat close byHe makes everything better
waiting for the cast to set
Lollipops make everything better
this is from October 02 2007 - she did trust us that this appointment would not
be an ouchy appointment, just a cute pink cast
This post REALLY makes me glad Hadley didn't have to get a cast. Not sure how well he would have handled it! Madison sure is a trooper!